You can expect some fierce live stylings from some of Newtown’s finest lads, putting their own spin on surf punk with a show to match it
Mac the Knife are a 5-piece in the vein of yelly, overdiven chorus lines that pull a punch or two from Australian heavyweights like Violent Soho. With a few tracks up on their soundcloud (check out Wasteland) you’ll agree that they have the kind of energy on record we all love to see on stage.

We first copped a vision of these guys back at a mini pub fest back in 2016, and they’ve been well busy since.
Pumping out a new single, playing in and around Sydney with some unreal acts including The Cherry Dolls and top notch venues like Waywards @ The Bank, these guys are putting in some good time in the inner west.
After a small hiatus from the beginning of 2017, they’ve wrapped together a sweet little 2 band lineup kicking off after 8pm this Saturday. Support act Wives of the Sultan rocks in a pscyh dialtone with a grit-vocal sound and some fat wah – think the swagger of garage psych like Radio Moscow’s Leslie Magnafuzz – and the whole show is free, so no excuses. BE THERE!