The Botany View Hotel has plated a ripper lineup that screams of up-and-comer form
Newcastle sweethearts Vacations are headlining the night with that crisp, jangly, lofi goodness that never fails to go down a treat. Their new EP Vibes sounds like it fell off the back of a truck speeding straight towards some Captured Tracks new talent; an ear-to-ear-smile, and a summery warble in the chorus driven guitar lines keeps every track that little bit slacker-subliminal. Not hard to dance to, not hard to enjoy one too many beers with, and the lads all have their chops locked in fresh off the pitch from both Newcastle and Canberra shows leading up. With a Mountain Sounds set under their belt, supports with surf pop rock gods Hockey Dad & Skeggs, its a no brainer of a set to see.

Trekking it up from the South Coast, the smooth and oceanic vibes of the region come out in the tunes with Morning TV. They bring a complimentary laid back vibe to Vacations, albeit with an ambience and feminine subtlety that could pass for the works of a young modern Grace Slick. Utterly pleasant, and a tasteful use of momentary abrasiveness, the momentum of tracks like Turquoise will let you escape into something healing and wholesome – seriously, the vocal work by these gals is worth stopping in for alone. A bitta love from the JJJ’s, a few shows and a lotta backing make us certain that Morning TV’s set will be the best thing to pair off with an ease-into-it Saturday night.
Tickets are $0.00, beers are always a little too expensive no matter how you look at it, and the night kicks off after 8.00PM – recipe for success. Not sure what it was you were planning on doing, but be thankful you can totally blow that off for an easily better time at this weekend riot xoxo